October Pink - A Drive for Breast Cancer Awareness with Quatro Gymnastics
October was Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Quatro donned our pink ribbons and came together to raise awareness and shone a light on a cause that affects millions of lives—breast cancer. For the month of October, Quatro curated a collection called ‘October Pink’ that was showcased on social media and websites.
Thanks to all of our customers who helped us raise over $1000 to donate to two very special charities across the world.
“Making an Impact in the Fight Against Breast Cancer” is the slogan for the PA Breast Cancer Coalition and they are doing just that. As of October 2023, more than 1,400 free Friends Like Me care packages were sent to individuals in Pennsylvania who received a breast cancer diagnosis within the last six months and provide reminders of support and small gifts during this difficult time.
The PA Breast Cancer Coalition has contributed $5 million to breast cancer researchers in PA. They’ve helped over 270+ people through this chapter in life and 90 cents of every dollar goes towards their programs and services. This is a truly remarkable organization to work alongside.
The Pink Ribbon Foundation is a grant making trust with a mission to fund projects and provide financial support to UK charities in relation to breast cancer. With over 150 charities that the Pink Ribbon Foundation helps, it makes a larger impact on those that are effected.
It is imperative that the thoughts and contributions exist outside October for breast cancer awareness. Remind your loved ones to be diligent (it effects men and women) and seek out opportunities to work with the community to raise funds and awareness surrounding this cause. For more information on the charities, we aligned with, please visit the following charities websites:
PA Breast Cancer Coalition: https://www.pabreastcancer.org
The Pink Ribbon Foundation: https://www.pinkribbonfoundation.org.uk
To those that helped, thank you so much!